Transferware toy plates were at times carefully decorated as reduced replicas of adult pat...
Transferware toy plates were at times carefully decorated as reduced replicas of adult patterns. Other examples appear to have made use of perhaps not scraps, but of segments of the printed tissues designed for regular tableware patterns. In this case, the toy dinner plate has received a single blossom from the more elaborate floral border of the well-known Rogers "Zebra' pattern. What started as a border detail has become a dramatic "sheet" pattern with a central peony(?) surrounded by stalks and foliage that extend to the plate edge. The result is an oversized scale of decoration, relative to the plate size, that we would never see in an adult pattern of the period.
Since we have only one example of the dinner set to observe, we do not know if every plate received the same image or if perhaps each sported a different floral component.