Seekers has a reputation for intolerance of condition problems, especially repairs. A piece described in "Fine" condition will be free of all problems but the most minimal and typical wear. Detailed condition reports may be requested by clicking "Have a question about this product? Just ask."
To make a purchase, click the green "Purchase" bar. The item will be considered "on hold" while we respond via
e-mail to confirm payment and shipping plans.
A packing/shipping/insurance charge will be quoted in the e-mail purchase confirmation. Shipment will be made upon receipt of payment via FedEx Ground (unless otherwise instructed). Requests for overnight shipment will be subject to an additional charge.
Payment may be made by check or Paypal. (We encourage our clients to explore this secure, convenient and free payment mechanism.)
All business will be transacted in US dollars. Sales tax will apply on sales in Ohio (5.75%).
We are happy to arrange layaways. We request a minimum deposit of 20% of the purchase price with payments at 30-day intervals. Minimum payments will be $100.00.
All purchases are considered "on approval" with a two week, return-for-any-reason privilege. We only ask the purchaser to pay additional return shipping. Paypal purchases will be subject to a five- percent (5%) return fee to cover merchant expenses.