While the application of enameled floral motifs was one of Wedgwood's most effective decor...
While the application of enameled floral motifs was one of Wedgwood's most effective decorative variants of their basic black basalt body, the range of floral decoration was limited to two types. Most frequently seen are motifs derived from the Chinese famille rose examples, referred to as "Chinese Flowers." Our small waste bowl sports decoration of the less common sort--sprigs of stylized European wild flowers.
Three horizontal sprays of blossoms and foliage, executed in mauve, pink, blue, and green with touches of yellow, are carefully spaced around the exterior of the simple footed bowl. As with examples of "Chinese Flowers" a crisp reddish-brown pin stripe smartly finishes the rims. Both floral styles exploit to great effect the striking contrast between shiny colorful enamels and the flat black basalt surface.