Medium size covered dishes, generally referred to as "muffin dishes," are found throughout...
Medium size covered dishes, generally referred to as "muffin dishes," are found throughout 19th century tableware offerings. This example, executed by Spode in its stone china body is decorated in the classic Pattern 2061, "Cabbage." Inspiration for the pattern derives from the highly coveted Chinese wares found in the homes of the English aristocracy. Taking advantage of similarities of their slightly gray-blue tinted body to Chinese goods, Spode's "Cabbage" design emulates the mysterious floral designs found on oriental wares both in terms of subject and asymmetrical arrangement.
The light blue transfer pattern is designed around a prominent, heavily textured leaf – nicknamed “Cabbage” among the Staffordshire workmen. This leaf is surrounded by a cluster of additional leaves and blossoms, printed in blue and painted. A tight band finishes the edges of both lid and base. From this band, sprigs of gnarled vine softened by additional blossoms extend into the design. Primary enamel highlights are executed in a rich, deep red while smaller floral details are painted in both rust and pink with green leaves. Gilt is used generously throughout for both additional detail and outline and to accentuate the perky ball knop.