A combination of black transfer and ochre lustre highlighting on Gildea & Walker's ivo...
A combination of black transfer and ochre lustre highlighting on Gildea & Walker's ivory body create striking contrast in this variant of the "Melbourne" transfer pattern. For those not familiar with the pattern, from a seaside point of view, we are standing among exotic vegetation including a large overhanging palm or bamboo. Out on the sea, we note a sailboat as well as a second distant craft. Meanwhile, a flock of swallows create a sense of movement as they swarm across the scene.
We are particularly fond of the way the always present patchwork at the foot of the pattern has been adapted to continue the decoration to the foot of this compote. This section in "Melbourne" always features a rectangular reserve with a bird--perhaps an owl, eagle or crane--against a day or night time sky. Here a hawk glowers under a blazing sun.The surrounding patchwork is filled out with Japanese graphic patterns.