Masons "Lotus" pattern must be included in the group known as "Japan Patterns," noted for...
Masons "Lotus" pattern must be included in the group known as "Japan Patterns," noted for their Imari inspired designs with a palette of orange-red, green and pink, anchored by patches of cobalt blue. The design of "Lotus" is more conventional than others with its strong central focus on a bright orange blossom emerging from a deep blue pad. A two-part border defines the flange with large blossoms and fruit surrounded by an outer band of cross-hatched trellis with reserves of small gilded blossoms. A narrow ochre lustre band at the edge emulates the effect of the gilded edges on richer wares.
In production the cobalt patches were fired first. Decorators then completed the pattern with hand applied enamels, according to a general plan. The inevitable degree of variation can be observed by comparing the centers of these two examples, which very well may have been included in the same set
Though a size usually labeled salad plates, these were likely part of a set used for either dessert or tea. The molded pleat detail on the flange of the blank as well as the deeper than usual well confirms the early date of production indicated by the straight-line impressed mark. The delicacy of enamel decoration is also characteristic of the first two decades of Masons production.