A troop of neo-classical putti from the series known as "Bacchanalian Boys" provides...
A troop of neo-classical putti from the series known as "Bacchanalian Boys" provides the major decoration of this early cane ware jug. Signalling the potential purpose of the vessel, the boys are engaged in selecting and processing grapes for wine. The scale of these figures, larger than the putti we typically encounter, speaks of the jug's early date.
Above and below the figural frieze, Wedgwood employs a faux bamboo relief, with horizontal stalks forming the collar and spout, and vertical stalks for the handle and tapering base. An abstract band of overlapping elements accents the base of the collar, and the cut bamboo motif is cleverly carried onto the foot to form a table ring (see mark photo).
The interior of the jug is sealed with a delicate opaque white glaze.